
The Best Night Time Moisturiser

The Best Night Time Moisturiser

The primary purpose of thick night moisturisers has always been to prevent the excess loss of hydration through the skin at night time (TEWL). And that is an important function, but there is more to skin than hydration at night.

Microbiome & Epigenetics, what are they?

Microbiome & Epigenetics, what are they?

Transforming human biology and changing the way we care for our skin.

How to Avoid and Repair Sun Damage

How to Avoid and Repair Sun Damage

In the sunnier months of Spring and Summer, relying solely on sunscreen may not be enough. Learn how to avoid and repair sun damage with a powerful antioxidant, the mighty vitamin C, and how to choose the correct vitamin C.

Hayfever, allergy & skincare, what to avoid, what to use

Hayfever, allergy & skincare, what to avoid, what to use

A skin allergic reaction is different to skin sensitivity to cosmetics. An allergic reaction is an immune system response and usually appears quickly after exposure to the allergen. On the other hand, skin sensitivity is a condition where the skin might react to certain ingredients, leading to irritation, but it does not involve the immune system. 

Skin Diligent Detox Challenge

Skin Diligent Detox Challenge

Our 3-day Gut Detox Challenge of January 2024. We highlight the importance of supporting our detoxification process for healthy skin & increase awareness of the damages toxines play on our skin and health. You will find recipes & shopping list inside. We do hope you enjoy it, just like more than 2000 people who have participated in our January Challenge!

The truth about Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals

The truth about Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals

If a skincare product only stayed on the outer layer of the skin, we wouldn’t have to worry about endocrine disrupting chemicals. The fact is that some of the ingredients get through the skin. What are endocrine disrupting chemicals and why should we care?

Skin Hydration to prevent premature skin ageing and skin problems

Skin Hydration to prevent premature skin ageing and skin problems

Hydration is the secret to a naturally radiant skin. Poor hydration aggravates skin issues such as eczema, acne, and it leads to premature ageing. In this article, you will learn how skin hydration works so you can maximise it to your benefit.

Half your body isn't human - living with our microbiomes

Half your body isn't human - living with our microbiomes

Microbiome 101 - ever wondered what probiotics, prebiotics, postbiotics, microbiome, microbiota mean? In this 5 minutes read, you will learn all about them and more, all simply explained.

Difference between Genetics & Epigenetics in health and skin

Difference between Genetics & Epigenetics in health and skin

Understand what epigenetics is and how empowering this new science is in prevention of disease and skin problems.

How to treat acne, the truth

How to treat acne, the truth

How to treat Acne? What doctors don't always tell you. Acne is often shrouded in old sciences and myths and certainly makes the sufferer feel powerless. In this article, we will empower you with new scientific information, so you can choose your acne treatment, intentionally.
