School Affiliate Programs

We work with school PTAs (Parents Teacher Associations)* in their effort to raise funds. If you are a member of your school PTA or are interested in working with us to raise funds for your school, please contact us at 

How does the School Affiliate Program work?

We created the School Affiliate Program (SAP) to help schools in their fundraising efforts, be it for a chosen charity or the school's bursary program. 

It's a simple program. We offer a cash payment to the schools for every order placed by the school's community during a pre-determined campaign period. We also offer a discount to the community members at the same time. It is a win-win for the community members and the school, as both benefit. 

We define a campaign period and provide the school with simple marketing materials electronically. 

A unique discount code is created for the schools and is required when placing the orders. 

Benefits for the schools

    • Your school community members get a 10% discount
    • We pay your school 10% of the price paid by your community. 
    • Our products are easy to market as they are a natural match with your community. 
    • Skin Diligent is a serious skincare brand that puts safety of the users first along with efficacy of its products. Associating your school's name to Skin Diligent is positive. 
    • SAP can be used as often as the school feels the need to raise funds. A unique discount code will be supplied for each fund-raising campaign.

 * PTAs include Friends of the schools.


